Who’s bleeding now?

I started this blog three years ago to chronicle life with two boys who were born 12.5 months apart. It was supposed to be cheeky, light and fun. Then, it sat, and sat, and sat without a post. Life continued. Kids grew. I changed jobs. A brother died and a baby girl was born. It has taken me the three years since that first post in 2012 to realize and accept that if anyone is bleeding, it’s me. Where do I fit in this life I built as a wife, daughter, mother and friend? What do I even enjoy doing anymore? What fires me up? How can I live an authentic life and be a good example for my children?

There will still be posts about kids peeing on the carpet and phrases I swore I would never use on my kids. However, I am admitting publicly that things need to change. It is time to take care of myself; to stop the bleeding. How? I really have no clue outside of a few ideas, but I hope you will join me on this journey!

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